
Showing posts from May, 2018

OPPQ Website Tutorial


Physiotherapy Hypertext Narrative

Start here or see the diagram . It all started like this. You are about to finish your four years in the Physical Rehabilitation program at Montmorency College and you have to start thinking about your future now that you have the possibility to continue to university because of the good grades you had.  Choice 1: Continue to university Choice 2: You are tired of school and studies so you stay in Physical Rehabilitation. Scene 1. You chose to go to university to have more work possibilities and to open more doors, but you could still go in different university programs.  Choice 1: You want to go in Physiotherapy. Choice 2:  You want to go in Kinesiotherapy. Choice 3: You want to go in Ergotherapy. Scene 2. You decided to continue in Physiotherapy because you really like the science of movement. It is a hard program, but you have a great success and you get some work opportunities.  Choice 1: