Physiotherapy Glossary

Hi, my name is Émilie Robert. I have  been studying in Physical Rehabilitation for nearly 2 years. I made this glossary because these words are common in this field of study and we use them as soon as we start the program. It can be useful for people who are already in the program but study in another language are for those who wants to be part of it next semester. I chose to do a glossary to describe words that can be hard to understand for the majority of people that are going to read my blog. Come back to this post to find the definition if you ever have difficulties with a word.
The study of the structure and function of biological systems such as humans, organs and cells by means of the methods of mechanics.
Attentive assistance or treatment to those in need.
The scientific of the human body.
motor skills
A motor skill is an intentional movement involving a motor or muscular component that must be learned and voluntarily produced to proficiently perform a specific goal or complete a task.
physical activity
Athletic, recreational or occupational activities that require physical skills and utilize strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, range of motion and agility.
A therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder.
science of movement
The act or instance of moving a change in place of position.
training program
Significant long-term training activity which (as opposed to a training project) consists of a series of courses, and usually has a flexible time and cost budget.
The science concerned with the shape, structure and the relationship of parts of organisms.
sensory integration
The neurological process that organizes sensation from one's own body and environment, thus making it possible to use the body effectively within the environment.
An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.
Lasting long time.
Lateral circular motion of an extremity, usually describes movement of a foot or leg while walking.
To the side, away from the midline of the body.
The end portion of the extremity, away from the central part of the body.
Swelling or containing excess fluid in the body.
The act of straightening an extremity or joint.
The act of bending a limb or joint.
Exaggerated anterior, or forward, curvature in lumbar or cervical regions.
muscular dystrophy
A hereditary disease involving progressive destruction of the skeletal and cardiac muscles.
Pertains to the muscles and skeleton.
A circular or turning movement of a body part, such as the back or head, around its axis.
A lateral (side to side) curvature of the spine in the thoracic and/or lumbar regions.
Deformity of the foot resulting in the inward rotation of the plantar surface, or sole, of the foot so that it faces toward the median, or midline, of the body.
Deformity of the foot resulting in the outward rotation of the plantar surface, or sole, of the foot so that it faces away from the median, or midline, of the body.



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